Morning Sickness: It’s Not Just for Mornings

The joy of pregnancy often brings along with it the misery of morning sickness. Despite its name, the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (the technical term for morning sickness) can occur at any time of day.

The condition usually starts before nine weeks and typically goes away by the second trimester. The severity can range anywhere from feeling mildly nauseas to having to spend quite a bit of time in the bathroom.

For an unlucky minority of women, the condition can go on for several weeks or months, and some may even feel barfy throughout their entire pregnancy. While medical experts aren’t sure of the exact cause of morning sickness, it’s a common condition that does more to interrupt your daily schedule than harm your health or that of your baby.

Severe Morning Sickness

Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy in its most severe form is called hyperemesis gravidarum, which sounds more like a spell from Harry Potter than too much vomiting. It’s a rare, serious condition in which you become dehydrated and begin to lose weight. You may be diagnosed with it if you have lost 5% of your pre-pregnancy weight and have other problems related to dehydration.

This severe weight loss and dehydration can lead to health problems for you and potentially your baby. If your morning sickness becomes this bad, you may need medical intervention and potentially hospitalization to control your vomiting and ensure you are getting enough fluids and nutrients.

What to Do to Feel Better

Some simple diet and lifestyle changes may help relieve your mild-to-moderate symptoms until they take care of themselves. (You may need to try more than one of these.)

Let us know if these don’t relieve your symptoms. There are some medications that are safe for use during pregnancy that we can give you that should help.

Other Medical Conditions

There are other medical conditions that can cause nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. These include ulcer, food-related illness, thyroid disease, or gallbladder disease. If you have these symptoms combined with your nausea, please make an appointment to see your doctor:

If you have any questions at all or are feeling concerned about morning sickness, please don’t hesitate to call us and talk to a nurse or make an appointment with your doctor

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