- Eating for two does not mean doubling your intake. 300 extra calories a day is appropriate if you are within a normal weight range and average activity level. Since everything you eat your baby eats, avoid junk food.
- Drink 8-10 glasses of fluids a day to keep your urine clear and not yellow.
- Your weight gain should be 25-35 pounds total, with approximately 10 pounds gained in the first 20 weeks pregnancy and pound a week thereafter.
- Avoid raw meat/game and unpasteurized dairy products to decrease your risk of contracting Listeria.
- Learn more about foods to eat or avoid while you’re pregnant.
- Exercise is important for building your stamina, strengthening your muscles for labor and delivery, improving your posture, and maintaining a good sense of well-being.
- When you exercise, you should continually be able to speak in full sentences, and your heart rate should not exceed 140 bpm for more than 15 minutes. If you are sweating, you are working too hard.
- Avoid activities that might cause falls.
- Learn more about exercising while you are pregnant.
Alcohol, Smoking, and Drugs
- Avoid alcohol in all forms during pregnancy to decrease the risk of your baby having abnormalities and growth defects.
- Women who smoke tend to have babies with low birth weight and an increased chance of stillbirth and SIDS.
- Avoid recreational drugs and follow this list when using over-the-counter medications.
- Having sex will not hurt your baby. You may continue throughout your pregnancy unless your doctor advises you not to. However, avoid douching.
Seat Belts
- Continue wearing seat belts low and snug throughout your pregnancy.
Dental Hygiene
- Good dental hygiene, which involves regularly brushing and flossing, may prevent infections and preterm birth.
- If you have a cat, avoid cleaning the litter box while you are pregnant. (If you have to, clean the box every day and wear gloves, then wash your hands thoroughly.) Cat feces can carry toxoplasma, which is a parasite that can cause the infection toxoplasmosis that you can pass on to your baby.
After going to another clinic in Cheyenne that didn’t treat me as a priority, it was a breath of fresh air stepping into Cheyenne Women’s Clinic. The entire staff was amazing, but Dr. Dozier was exceptional. She was kind, patient & answered any questions I had with great detail. I will never not recommend her. I am so pleased with my experience here.

I feel so lucky to have had the doctors at the Women’s Clinic for all three of my deliveries and GYN care. They provide high quality, compassionate, evidenced based care and Cheyenne is lucky to have such a great group!

I absolutely have loved it here! We just finished having our second kiddo and have worked with the vast majority of doctors here and they are all excellent!

Had an absolute amazing experience with the Cheyenne Woman’s Clinic during my first pregnancy. They did their best to accommodate my labor desires and made me feel as comfortable as can be. My husband appreciated how they took care of me, and now we’re going back with our second pregnancy! Highly recommend.

All of my appointments I’ve attended through the Women’s Clinic have been amazing the nurses and doctors have been lots of help throughout my whole pregnancy with lots of advice and support, I love every person from there they definitely are a welcoming and loving place!