Women’s Health Blog

vaginitis header photo of woman with hands over lower abdominal area


What is vaginitis? Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. Vaginitis may cause itching, burning, a bad odor, or a large amount of discharge. It is one of the most common reasons for visiting an obstetrician–gynecologist (ob-gyn).

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cord blood banking appointment

Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood is the blood from the baby that is left in the umbilical cord and placenta after birth. It contains special cells called hematopoietic stem cells that can be used to treat some types of diseases. What are hematopoietic stem cells? Most cells can

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woman holding phone, header image for hormone therapy blog

Hormone Therapy for Menopause

What is hormone therapy? Hormone therapy is a medical treatment that can help relieve the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. Hormone therapy also is called “hormone replacement therapy” or “menopausal hormone therapy.” What are menopause and perimenopause?

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a pregnant woman laying down getting Routine Tests During Pregnancy from female doctor

Routine Tests During Pregnancy

Certain lab tests are part of routine care during pregnancy. Some of these tests are done with a blood sample. Others use a urine sample or a sample of tissue taken from your vagina, cervix, or rectum. These

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woman holding emergency contraception or plan b pill

Emergency Contraception (Plan B)

What is emergency contraception? Emergency contraception (sometimes called Plan B) (EC) reduces the chance of pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Common situations in which EC could be used include forgetting to take several birth control

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pain relief during child birth

Pain Relief During Child Birth

Considering Pain Relief During Child Birth? You can ask for pain relief during labor. You should not feel pressured to choose a particular option by your partner, friends, family members, or health care professional. Only

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